Paula Cole Jones
"If you have come to help me you are wasting you time. But if you recognize that your liberation and mine are bound up together, we can talk" - Lila Watson
Jubilee Three Anti-Racism Training:
Learning Together About Systemic Racism

An Acclaimed Program With Experienced Trainers
Do you wish to deepen your understanding of how race and ethnicity play out in our institutions and our daily lives? Are you ready to take a leading role to nurture a multicultural future in the face of opposing cultural currents?
Come Join Us for this Life-Changing Weekend!
January 12th - 14th, 2023 CST
Friday, January 12th (6:00pm to 9:00pm CST);
Saturday, January 13th (9:00am to 8:30pm CST);
Sunday, January 14th (12:00pm to 6:30pm (CST)
Please adjust according to your time zone.
Cost: $170 per participant (includes cost for trainers and materials).
$85 for second or third person in same household. First person must register at $170 for subsequent family members to receive the discount. Contributions in support of this work are welcome.
Weekend Activities
This 2 ½ day workshop is open to anyone who wants to journey toward making a stand against racism. Church members and church leaders of any faith, as well as non-church members are all welcome!
The training includes:
Small group work
Our Goals
To develop a shared analysis of racism and its individual, institutional, and cultural manifestations, and
To begin to apply this common understanding to the history, culture, and institutional structure of our society, and to envision the next steps in taking action.
Agenda Topics
The history of racism and resistance to racism in the Americas
Defining racism
The effects of racism on people of color and on white people
Dismantling racism
Claiming and shaping an anti-racist identity
Trainers are Paula Cole Jones, Dr. Leon Spencer and Lutricia Callair.
For more information contact: Paula Cole Jones at
“The Jubilee III experience far surpassed what I had been expecting. First Unitarian Church of Honolulu had participated in two previous in-person Jubilees and I just couldn’t imagine a virtual experience being so successful. It became obvious that the trainers had gone above and beyond in preparation; the virtual experience was, in some ways, better because of the face-to-face feeling of intimacy on screen that can happen even when someone speaks to the whole group, the close honesty afforded by break-out rooms, and the relatively long meal breaks, which make one feel totally refreshed and able to think clearly for the next session.
Also, it became clear that a lot of effort had gone into honing and making the curriculum itself even better than before. It was like peeling an onion; we were able to delve into new and deeper levels of understanding.
Thank you to the trainers for this great opportunity to gain crucial points of awareness around racial justice!”
~ Jill Rabinov
“First Unitarian Church of Honolulu (FUCH) is honored to have experienced the first virtual Zoom Jubilee training. This was our third Jubilee Anti-Racism training and I was curious how the Zoom Format would work for such a hands on and self-reflective experience. Although we were using the Zoom format we still had the benefit and feel of getting to know other Jubilee members on a more personal level.
This training was extremely informative and worthwhile, covering new material that we did not receive in the previous 2 Jubilee trainings. This training will give you a lot of food for thought as well as tools to use in these challenging times.”
~ Allison Jacobs